Bara&Sconci, Didactic Psychotherapy, Joys and Sorrows

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Bara&Sconci, Didactic Psychotherapy, Joys and Sorrows

da MARTA SCONCI [3346] » 06 ago 2022, 15:31

Cari soci,
è uscito sullo Special Issue on Psychopathology della rivista Reti, Saperi, Linguaggi, 1, 2022, 105-122, un nostro articolo intitolato Didactic Psychotherapy, Joys and Sorrows. Doi: 10.12832/104543.
Continuiamo a occuparci di Psicoterapia Didattica, nella sempre più ferma convinzione che sia un passaggio fondamentale nella formazione degli psicoterapeuti cognitivisti.
Vi anticipiamo l'abstract, chi fosse interessato all’articolo completo può mandarci una mail personale.
Fate felici vacanze,
Marta Sconci e Bruno Bara

Our paper is dedicated to show how personal therapy can improve psychothera-
pists’ skills, especially by providing a deeper understanding and an increased ability
to manage their blind spots. However, personal therapy can also generate some
dangers that must be foreseen and, hopefully, managed: as with all correctly per-
formed psychotherapy, ethical violations must be avoided, especially given the mul-
tiplier effect these could have once trainees are fully licensed as therapists. Finally,
the evaluation of competency should be avoided during personal therapy, so that
trainees are treated with non-judgemental care, and may learn how to do the same
with their future patients.
Keywords: Psychotherapy, Psychotherapy Training, Personal Therapy, Supervision,
