Cari Colleghi,
Mi sto preparando a partecipare, come relatore e workshop leader, al Congresso Mondiale di CBT, (10th WCCBT, Korea, June, 2023) che si terrà, questa estate, in Korea ( ... l?sMenu=03)
Sto preparando anche una tavola rotonda internazionale sui tema:
Tullio Scrimali MD, PhD - Chair and Discussant
University of Catania and ALETEIA International, European School of Cognitive Therapy
Beliefs, Schemas, Internal Working Models and Processes. The Evolution of Theoretic Models in Cognitive Psychopathology
Round Table
Qualora qualcuno fosse interessato a partecipare, invii (tutto in inglese, ovviamente) a:
Autore, Affiliazione, Titolo, Abstract
Cordiali saluti: Tullio
Prof. Tullio Scrimali, MD and PhD
Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist, Clinical Neuroscientist and Medical Cannabis Scientist (
Professor of Clinical Psychology and Rehabilitation, Medical School, Department of Medical, Chirurgical Sciences and Advanced Technologies
Visiting Professor, Department of Psychology, Asia University, Taichung, Taiwan
Visiting Professor at the Boston University, School of Social Work
Founding Fellow and Cognitive Therapy Certified Trainer Consultant of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy (ACT)
Member of the International Association for Cognitive Psychotherapy (IACP)
Member of the European Association of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapy (EABCT)
Founder and Director of ALETEIA International, European School of Cognitive Therapy
Founder and Director of ALETEIA Center for Mental Health
Founder and Director of ALETEIA Lab for Applied Neuroscience
Founder and Director of Cannabis Medica ALETEIA
Founder and Director of Herbal Neurocare
Via Gramsci n.3 (95021) Acicastello (Catania) - ITALY – Telephone: +39095492945 – Fax: +390957127749 – E-mail: (institutional) and (private)
Author of the following books, in English:
Cognitive Therapy Towards a New Millennium (Edited with Grimaldi, L.). Kluver, New York, 2001
Entropy of Mind and Negative Entropy. A cognitive and complex approach to schizophrenia and its therapy. Karnac, London, 2008
Neuroscience-Based Cognitive Therapy. New methods for assessment, treatment and self-regulation. Wiley, Chichester, 2012
Call for participation at the WCBCT to be held in Korea
Re: Call for participation at the WCBCT to be held in Korea
Il tema del convegno quale sarà ? E' in presenza o on line ?
Fabio Rapisarda
Fabio Rapisarda